College Grass


What’s the difference of infilling football grass and non-infilling football grass?

Editor:xinxu    2023.06.29

Infilling football grass and non-infilling football grass differ in the way they are installed and their overall performance.

Infilling football grass has a layer of infill material, usually made of rubber or sand, between the blades of grass. This infill helps to stabilize the grass, improve traction, and absorb shock. Infilling grass is more commonly used in professional and high-level football fields because it provides more natural playing characteristics, and the infill helps to prevent injuries from falls or collisions.

Non-infilling football grass does not have a layer of infill material. This type of grass is made from a combination of materials that are designed to mimic the natural feel of grass. Non-infilling grass is preferred by some due to its easier maintenance and installation. It also provides a more consistent playing surface, with less variation in ball bounce and roll.

In summary, the main differences between infilling and non-infilling football grass are their installation methods, playing characteristics, and maintenance needs. Infilling grass provides a more natural playing experience and better shock absorption, while non-infilling grass is easier to maintain and provides a more consistent playing surface. The choice between the two will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the football field.

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